ChemStat is the easiest and fastest application available for the statistical analysis of ground water monitoring data at RCRA facilities. ChemStat includes most statistical analysis methods described in the 1989 and 1992 USEPA statistical analysis documents, USEPA Draft Unified Guidance Document, U.S. Navy Statistical Analysis Guidance document, and other guidance documents and methods documented in popular statistical texts.
A unique combination of ease-of-use and innovative technologies make ChemStat the value leader for environmental statistical analysis.
ChemStat Features
- ChemStat is powerful
- Â Data set size limited only by computer memory for most tests
- Â Unlimited number of parameters
- Â Unlimited number of wells
- Â Unlimited number of sample dates
- Â Unlimited parameter name and well label length
- Â Easily exclude individual data points from analyses
- Â Fast Performance
- Â Full report and graph printing and print preview
- Â Export reports to tab-delimited ASCII text file
- Â Export reports to a word processor in rich-text format
- Â Numerous choices for page headers and footers, page left, right, and center
- Â Choice of multiple fonts and colors in graphs and reports
- Â Highly customizable user-interface
- ChemStat is easy to learn
- Easily select parameter for analysis from drop-down list
- Complete on-line help with “what’s this” context sensitive help.
- Advisor Window displays information about the method and suitability of the method to the data set.
- Method selector tree allows easy selection of the appropriate statistical test for your data
- Data Set Transformations
- Quickly convert from original data to log-transformed and back
- Easily represent non-detects with 0, 1, DL/2 or DL for any test
- Accommodate censored data with Cohen’s or Aitchison’s adjustments
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