AquaChem is a groundwater software package for anyone working with water data, and is suited for projects requiring management, analysis and reporting of water quality data.
Water Quality Data Analysis and Reporting Software
AquaChem is a groundwater software package specifically designed for anyone working with water data. This software is ideally suited for water projects requiring management, analysis and reporting of groundwater quality data.
AquaChem’s analysis tools cover a wide range of functions and calculations used for analyzing, interpreting and comparing water quality data. These tools include simple unit transformations, charge balances, statistics and sample mixing to more complex functions such as correlation matrices and geothermometer calculations.
These powerful analytical capabilities are complemented by an extensive selection of commonly used geochemical plots and graphs to represent the chemical characteristics water quality data.
Effortless Data Management & QA/QC
- Easily import data from various file types (.txt, .csv, .xls, .xlsx, .mdb, and .accdb) and file formats (samples as rows, samples as columns, one analyzed value for each row, PHREEQC output)
- Export stations, analysis data and geochemical plots to various file formats including Windows Metafile (.wmf), ESRI Shapefile (.shp), concentration observation well data for MODFLOW simuilations, Google Earth (.KML).
- Create simple to complex data queries and easily extract vital information about your water quality data
- Gain insight into the reliability of your water sample analysis with various automatic QA/QC checks including Duplicate, Outlier and Holding Time Analysis, Method Detection Limit, Reliability Checks and Total/Dissolved Comparison.
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